It's important to create online enthusiasm about your products and services. An effective way to get people excited about your company is by letting them see how excited other people are. Facebook can help you do this.
Comments on your posts can be a very effective marketing tool. So, how do you get your fans to leave you comments? It might require some time and effort, but getting more comments and letting other people promote your business for you is very possible.
People won't comment on something that doesn't interest them. This means your posts need to be compelling and relevant. Give people something to talk about and they'll be happy to do the rest. By being aware of what topics are hot right now, and what your audience is most likely to discuss you can easily increase your Facebook post comments.
Asking people questions is a good way to get a response. You could even create an online poll. When it comes to making your products or services even better, your customers will be happy to respond to you and give you the feedback you need.
Users are more inclined to comment on pictures and videos than text based posts. They're also more inclined to post on fun topics. Don't always make it all about business. Sometimes it's okay to go off topic. It'll help your fans feel more of a personal connection to you which makes them more likely to comment on your post.
Post often and be sure to include some calls to action to get people to participate. Figure out when people are most likely to respond to your posts and focus on posting in that time frame. Make sure that you take time to respond to your fans comments as well.
Your fans are ready to comment on your posts. You need to give them the opportunity to do it. The more people that post the more your prospects will be inclined to let that positive feedback influence their decision to give your business a chance.